
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Black Friday Haul

So I usually don't participate in the annual trampling of people to get a good deal but this year I switched it up!  I wasn't crazy enough to wait in line for hours so I decided to show up at 11:00 on Friday (before lunch time) and pick through what was left over.  To my great astonishment there was a whole tone of cheep movies that were just beggin me to take them home!  How could I resist!? We ended up leaving the store with nine movie in all (oofda!).

  • Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings
  • Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
  • Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  • The Sphere
  • Red Riding hood
  • Unknown
You might notice that we got Lord of the Rings one and three... Logic behind this weirdness?  Well somebody had the grand idea of purchasing number two for no apparent reason. Personally I believe strongly in chronological order so to me this was a grave offence.  But oh well!  We have the whole series so now number 2 wont be lonely any more!  Woot! Woot!

Seriously You Just Bought Movies on Black Friday?
No!  But, I thought that since you know, this is a blog about movies that it would be appropriate to tell you about the movies I got but if you are interested I also got tee shirts.  I got 4 tee shirts sporting characters from: Pokemon, Teen Titans, One Piece, and The Nightmare Before Christmas...funny story about the Nightmare Before Christmas One... I wore it and on that same day I had also bought a new kind of deodorant... yeah the armpits of the shirt are now bright pink... they are supposed to be purple! >:( oh well! you win some you loose some I guess.  Ha-ha.

So there you have it, tons of movies to fuel my odd obsession.

Did you guys get any movies during the black Friday Sales??

Until next time, Watch on!


Hey all, good news! The first half of my school year is officially over AND it’s Christmas break as of now!!! That's right no school until the 3rd of the new year!  : ) I intend to spend this lovely long break reading (I borrowed a book from my friend a few months ago....and haven't started it), watching moves, and spending time with family! But Any way as for this week, I didn't watch that many movies because of all my finals and a huge paper I had to finish up. So here it is!
  • Pride and  Prejudice
  • Four Christmas's
  • Ghost Busters II
  • Merry Christmas Charlie Brown
What are you guys doing for this holiday break?

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Everyone has their own little guilty pleasure, mine probably is watching super pre-teen girly movies!  Which leads me to this weeks movie: Sleepover!
The movie is about an 8th grade girls birthday/sleepover, she invites her two close friends and a girl that is 'out of the loop' they are having all the fun in the world with the average sleepover musts: karaoke, dressing up, pizza, PIZZA, PIZZA. That is until the girl's ex-best friends comes over and challenges them to a scavenger hunt. This hunt will lead them from stealing from a rent-a-cop (played by Steve Carell), to dressing up a manikin in a mini skirt, to crashing a *gasp* high school dance!  One things for sure, these girls will find something that night not on the list but inside themselves! Say goodbye to middle school and hello to the sleepover!

·         Directed by: Joe Nussbaum
·         Premiered: 2004
·         Rated: PG
·         Starring:
o   Alexa Vega as Julie
o   Mika Boorem as Hannah
o   Kallie Flynn Childress as Yancy


Hey all, how was your week? Mine was awesome!! No school on Monday and I was sick on Friday! Well lets get to it, I watched a lot of movies this week since I had the extra time:
  • The Country Bears
  • The Vow
  • Christmas Vacation
  • Fred Clause
  • Valentines Day
  • Young Frankenstein
  • Santa Claus is Coming to Town
  • Driving Miss Daisy
There you have it! :) So know that you know what I watched, what did you watch this week??

Bonus: What do all the movies in this weeks picture have in common? (Super 8, Shark Tales, Jaws, Kung Fu Panda, Arachnophobia, Gremlins, The Goonies) The answer will be up next week!

Friday, December 7, 2012

WDRW Week One

So I feel like starting a little mini post for movies I watch during the week.  I’m hereby entitling it: WDRW (What Did Rose Watch?) Naturally the movies I include in said post will be all the ones I watched during the week.

So without further ado here is this week’s WDRW!

·         Elf

·         Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer

·         How the Grinch Stole Christmas

·         Three Men and a Baby

·         The Pianist

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Anniversary and a Movie

Hey guys! So this Sunday (December 9th) marks my second year dating my best friend! This occasion puts me in the mood for a good romance movie. So without further ado this week’s movie is The Princess Bride!

The movie starts out with a young boy sick at home with his grandfather reading him a story. The story (which is basically the movie) is about a young farm worker who is in love with the farmer’s daughter, Buttercup. The young worker left the farm to seek a fortune for himself but promises to return for his love. After many years of not coming home, Buttercup is betrothed to Prince Humperdinck. Sadly her heart still belongs to the farm worker, Westley. After getting kidnapped by a strange Sicilian and his not so evil cronies a strange masked man tries to rescue Buttercup. Who’s the masked man? Will Buttercup be forced to marry Prince Humperdinck? And what’s up with that creepy Sicilian? You’ll just have to find out! One things for sure though!  "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."


Directed by: Rob Reiner

Premiered: 1987

Rated: PG


·         Cary Elwes as Westley

·         Robin Wright as Buttercup

·         Mandy Patinkin as Inigo

·         Wallace Shawn as Vizzini (the Sicilian)
This movie features royalty, giants, sorcery, sword fighting and enough mushy love that will keep you giddy for a week! Over all it's a fantastic romance that will last a lifetime!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Hunger Games Bingo!

As promised I come bearing the rules and regulations of The Hunger Games Bingo! So all in all the game was super fun! It was my second time watching the movie. (Side Note: In addition to movies I love reading; however, I never really got into this series) 
Off the topic of bingo, the first time I saw the movie I hated it! I hated the plot, the characters, the fact that Gale got left at home and how it was just slaughtering of kids… but, when I watched it the second time… I kind of liked it.
Ha-ha ok, ok back to bingo.  For the game we were handed cards filled with quotes and scenes from the movie.  The movie started and whenever one of the quotes or scenes from our card happened we got to cross that box off. Once someone got a bingo they won a Hunger Games related prize, such as:
·         mocking jay pin
·         mocking jay necklace
·         bookmarks (sporting the characters faces)
·         reading light (with the Hunger Games on the side)
·         copy of the book
In all it was super fun and a wonderful way to spend a Thursday afternoon!

Where the heck was this game held at? It was at the local library.  We have an awesome teen section that sponsors tons of free teen related events.
On that note, since I’m in cahoots with the Teen Services Librarians they agreed to send me a copy of the bingo cards! So here they are:
Card #1
Card #2

Card #3

Card #4

Card #5

Card #6

Card #7

Card #8

Card #9

Card #10

Card #11

Card #12

Card #13

Card #14
Card #15
Card #16

Card #17

Card #18

Card #19

Card #20

And of course you can use this idea for any movie!  Just choose a great movie, make up your cards and get a group of friends together!  Have fun! Let me know how your game goes, Until next time, watch on!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Breaking Dawn Part II Review!

Okay so the begging of the movie was a little slow, watching Bella adjust to her new vampire body but soon after the gut busting comedy and mind blowing action sets in!  The whole movie is building up to one ten minute scene.  While building up the Cullens are gathering all of their allies around the world to stand against the Volturi. 
Honestly that’s about all I can say without giving anything away; however, even if you read the book you have no idea what’s coming!
Tell me what you thought!
P.s. I’m team Jacob!

·         Directed by: Bill Condon
·         Premiered: 2012
·         Rated: PG-13
·         Starring:
o   Kristen Stewart as Bella Cullen (:3 hehe no more Bella Swan!)
o   Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen
o   Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Breaking Dawn Part II

: D  I am so excited guys!  Tonight I finally get to go and see the final chapter to the Twilight Saga!  Have you guys seen it?  What did you think?  I'll tell you what I thought of it later this week! Oh... and P.s. Edward or Jacob, can you guess which I am?  Until then watch on!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Captain Ron

Hey guys! So as many of you know the last Twilight movie is officially out! Yeah, yeah I know Twilight is kind of old but... I still love it! Are any of you guys going?
Speaking of movies in the theater, I went to Wreck it Ralph two weekends ago! It was great! It was a sweat story with lovable characters and an ending that I never saw coming!
So now onto the movie for tonight!  I’m in the mood for something in the funny category tonight which means… Captain Ron! So the movie starts out with a businessman receiving news that his great uncle (I really don’t know if it’s his great uncle but it is a male relative) died leaving him with an old fashion boat!  Without seeing the boat his family and him decide to sail the it to where it can be sold, taking a couple weeks off of school and work.  Thing is, they don’t know how to sail!
But no problem, they hire a local captain, named Ron, that turns out to be a… pretty strange character that possible ruins or saves the day!  Will the family go crazy having to fix the piece of crap boat they inherited or will it be Captain Ron that drives them mad?  All I know is you guys will love this quirky tall that goes from the big city to being taken captive by pirates.

·         Directed by: Thom E. Eberhardt
·         Premiered: 1992
·         Rated: Pg-13
·         Starring:  
o   Kurt Russell as Captain Ron
o   Martian Short as Martian Harvey
o   Mary Kay Place as Katherine Harvey  

Tell me how you like it! Watch on! (Oh, Oh and I didn't forget about Hunger Games Bingo, it's just taking me longer than I expected!)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Song About Movies?

So I went to my friend’s house this Friday and we were listening to some music.  We came across this music video for a super cute song by the band: The Ready Set. So this isn’t a movie but it’s a pretty cool song that features a crap load of movies in the music video! 
The song is called: Hollywood Dream.  Find it by going to YouTube, type in Hollywood Dream by The Ready Set, and click on the video that has a black and white drawing (for me it was the second video listed), then sit back and enjoy!
Some of the movies that are in the video are:
Wizard of Oz
Saturday Night Fever
Indiana Jones
Say Anything
King Kong
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Napoleon Dynamite
The Little Mermaid
Army of Darkness
There are a few more… but I didn’t know what they were! If you know leave a comment! I hope you enjoy :D

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It’s Kind of a Funny Story

So I don’t know about you guys but sometimes I’m just feeling really down in the dumps for absolutely no reason what so ever.  When times like this come I have some secret weapons up my sleeve!

My secret weapons consist of snacks, pajamas, and some sort of movie.  One of the many movies I watch in this situation that always lifts my spirits is It’s Kind of a Funny Story.

In the movie sixteen year old Craig checks himself into the psychiatric wing of the nearest New York hospital.  He is totally overwhelmed with friends, school, parents, and life in general.  Through the movie and his weeklong stay Craig meets some down to earth, real people that have some of the same problems as him and some much more serious.

If you’re feeling like Craig or just are in the mood for an inspirational, romantic, comedy you should check this movie out and find out just how doable life can be!
·         Directed by: Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck
·         Premiered: 2010
·         Rated: PG-13
·         Starring:
o   Kier Gilchrist as Craig
o   Zach Galifianakis as Bobby
o   Emma Roberts as Noelle

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Ultimate Halloween Movie!

Ok, so this is one of my all-time favorite Halloween, Christmas, romance, and musical movies of all time!  I’ve watched it every year on Halloween for as long as I can remember.  Not to mention all the memorabilia I have such as tee-shirts, plushies and even an umbrella. 
This is the story of Jack, the king of Halloween.  He has grown tired of the same routine he goes through every year.  He’s tired of scaring people and planning all year for one night of terror.  To him it seems like there has to be more to life.  So he goes on a journey which leads him to Christmas town.  After seeing all the joy you can get from spreading Christmas cheer Jack decides to take Christmas into his own hands.  Will he be able to master the joy and happiness of Christmas or will the inhabitants of Halloween town turn it into a big scary mess?  With this movie's catchy songs and lovable characters you will be coming back to this movie over and over again!
So for this Halloween night, check out Tim Burton’s: A Nightmare Before Christmas.  Have a happy Halloween!
·         Directed by: Henry Selick
·         Premiered: 1993
·         Rated: PG
·         Starring:
o   Danny Elfman as Jack Skellington’s singing voice
o   Chris Sarandon as Jack Skellington’s voice
o   Catherine O’Hara as Sally
o   Ken Page as Oogie Boogie
o   Edward Ivory as Santa

Are there any movies you watch every Halloween?? 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

You thought your neighbors were crazy!

The past couple days I’ve been watching some pretty hard core scary movies and have decided to tone it down a notch with one of my favorite cartoon movies ever!  The movie is about an adolescent boy, DJ, who is feeling torn between growing up and staying immature with his best friend Chowder.  DJ’s parents are leaving for the weekend and won’t be back until Halloween night so he gets stuck with the not so nice babysitter who does a bad job of watching anyone.  While playing out in the driveway with Chowder their basketball lands in Mr. Nebbercracker’s yard!  Everyone knows the stories about Mr. Nebbercracker and his haunted house, but they needed to get that ball back!  But when Mr. Nebbercracker gets run to the hospital it seems the house has set its eyes on DJ.  Chowder, DJ, and Jenny, the candy selling prep school girl, have to ban together to get the ball back and find out the mystery behind the living, breathing, Monster House!

·         Directed by: Gil Kenan
·         Premiered: 2006
·         Rated: PG
·         Starring (voice actors):
o   Mitchel Musso as DJ
o   Sam Lerner as Chowder
o   Spencer Locke as Jenny
o   Steve Buscemi as Mr. Nebbercracker

On a total side note: Only eleven days tell Halloween!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

So Many Movies So Little Time!

So in the past four day’s I’ve watched five movies!  Considering I have school (with crazy teachers who happen to love homework and tests) and the strange need to keep my room shining clean, that’s sort of impressive!  What did you watch Rose??  Great question :) I hunkered down with some movies I am familiar with: Friday the 13th (part 1 the original), The Village, Young Frankenstein, and Nightmare Before Christmas.  The last one is The Mist, it was the first time I had watched it and… to be totally honest with you I didn’t finish.  I’m not really into end of the world, doom, gloom, blah, blah, blah kind of movies and that’s all I was really getting from this one.  Once the giant cricket things started attacking I was just done.
It always makes me feel kind of bad when I abandon a movie in the middle, but sometimes you just have to!
The point is, I’m glad that even though I’m super busy right now, I can still sit down and watch a good movie (and sometimes bad!) just to unwind and get ready for the next day and all the surprises it will bring.
In other news: This Thursday I’ll be watching The Hunger Games while simultaneously playing bingo…  Haha, I’m not too sure how it’s going to work out but it sounds like a fun game!  I’ll be sure to let you guys know all the rules and how it went!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Get Ready To Scream!

So it’s October which means scary movie month!  At home scary movies are a year round occurrence; so it only seems natural that Halloween would be our most favorite holiday.  From decorating the house to seeing who has the best costume my family does it all.  There is no such thing as too over the top, the crazier the better! 
So what’s better than watching a scary movie?  Watching a scary movie that talks about other scary movies!  No, no I’m not referring to the Scary Movie series; tonight I’m talking about Scream!
The movie begins with a relatively innocent girl home alone making popcorn, she receives a threatening call and ends up dead.  The whole school is in a panic, police are interviewing everyone to try and find the killer and Sidney Prescott, whose mother was brutally murdered years earlier, is thrown back into the memories she tried so hard to compress.  See the thing is the murderer seems to be after Sidney.  But who is it?  The awkward guy who loves scary movies?  The best friend? The reporter?  Who knows?  During the movie there are so many surprises that by the time it’s all over your heart rate will be threw the roof!
I would totally even recommend this to people who don’t like scary movies because of all the comedy!  That’s right scary and funny all in one!  So why not give it a try?  Tell me what you think of it!!!

·         Directed by: Wes Craven
·         Premiered: 1996
·         Rated: R
·         Starring:
·         Neve Campbell as Sidney
·         Skeet Ulrich as Billy Loomis
·         David Arquette as Deputy Dewey
·         Courteney Cox as Gale Weathers

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hello Blog world and my fellow movie fanatics

Hey, I’m Rose and I LOVE MOVIES. Horror, action, children’s, comedy and of course the classics.

For quite some time I’ve been wanting to blog… but I didn’t know what to write about but then one day while I was watching a movie it hit me! Why not right about what I love? What I do every day: Watching movies.

There are so many movies I’ve watched that many people around me don’t even know exist and I want that to change, from now on I will right about the movies I watch and give my best attempt at a movie review.  You may be wondering “how on earth does this girl think she’s qualified to write movie reviews?”  Well I’ll tell you:

1.       I read movie reviews (and while preparing to start this blog I researched for hours on writing them!)

2.       I love to write

3.       I LOVE watching movies

4.       And above all I have an opinion.

That’s right folks; I have views on everything just like you do.  If I don’t like something, I’ll tell you, and warn you NOT to watch that certain movie.  But if I do like a movie you will totally be able to tell :)

If all goes as plan I’ll be posting once a week minimum with one movie suggestion per post.

Okay that’s it for now movies lovers, until next time watch on! ;)