
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Anniversary and a Movie

Hey guys! So this Sunday (December 9th) marks my second year dating my best friend! This occasion puts me in the mood for a good romance movie. So without further ado this week’s movie is The Princess Bride!

The movie starts out with a young boy sick at home with his grandfather reading him a story. The story (which is basically the movie) is about a young farm worker who is in love with the farmer’s daughter, Buttercup. The young worker left the farm to seek a fortune for himself but promises to return for his love. After many years of not coming home, Buttercup is betrothed to Prince Humperdinck. Sadly her heart still belongs to the farm worker, Westley. After getting kidnapped by a strange Sicilian and his not so evil cronies a strange masked man tries to rescue Buttercup. Who’s the masked man? Will Buttercup be forced to marry Prince Humperdinck? And what’s up with that creepy Sicilian? You’ll just have to find out! One things for sure though!  "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."


Directed by: Rob Reiner

Premiered: 1987

Rated: PG


·         Cary Elwes as Westley

·         Robin Wright as Buttercup

·         Mandy Patinkin as Inigo

·         Wallace Shawn as Vizzini (the Sicilian)
This movie features royalty, giants, sorcery, sword fighting and enough mushy love that will keep you giddy for a week! Over all it's a fantastic romance that will last a lifetime!

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