
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

So Many Movies So Little Time!

So in the past four day’s I’ve watched five movies!  Considering I have school (with crazy teachers who happen to love homework and tests) and the strange need to keep my room shining clean, that’s sort of impressive!  What did you watch Rose??  Great question :) I hunkered down with some movies I am familiar with: Friday the 13th (part 1 the original), The Village, Young Frankenstein, and Nightmare Before Christmas.  The last one is The Mist, it was the first time I had watched it and… to be totally honest with you I didn’t finish.  I’m not really into end of the world, doom, gloom, blah, blah, blah kind of movies and that’s all I was really getting from this one.  Once the giant cricket things started attacking I was just done.
It always makes me feel kind of bad when I abandon a movie in the middle, but sometimes you just have to!
The point is, I’m glad that even though I’m super busy right now, I can still sit down and watch a good movie (and sometimes bad!) just to unwind and get ready for the next day and all the surprises it will bring.
In other news: This Thursday I’ll be watching The Hunger Games while simultaneously playing bingo…  Haha, I’m not too sure how it’s going to work out but it sounds like a fun game!  I’ll be sure to let you guys know all the rules and how it went!

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