
Thursday, September 5, 2013

You're Next

There are many 'scary' movies that insert a bit of comical relief here and there.  Haunting in Connecticut, Signs, and The Evil Dead, just to name a few.  A wonderful new edition to this list is the late summer hit: You're Next!

Now, for those of you who don't enjoy horror comedies and prefer straight horror, I don't want to discourage you.  This movie has plenty scary in and of itself.  Tons of blood, jump scares, and yes, creepy men in animal masks hunting people with cross bows!

The movie starts with an initial murder to real you in.  From there it moves to a family reunion.  In celebration of their parents anniversary, four siblings, who are barley on speaking terms, and their significant others get together.

You can tell right off the bat that one of the brothers is a total jerk wad.  Granted the other siblings aren't very willing to stand up to him.

 Once dinner starts, it all goes down hill. I mean, what's worse than an arrow to the brain to kill the mood, am I right?

Complete and total carnage follows, thankfully one of the brothers girlfriends takes charge!  (Yay! girl power.)

Through all the blood and gore there are amazing snibbits of comedy and by the time the credits roll you won't be able to contain your laughter.

***Spoiler Alert ........but not really****

When I saw the police officer I could have sworn it was Officer Dewey.  Yes, the one from the Scream franchise!

Last note is this: I  don't mind R rated movies as long as they are rated R for violence and language.  When I see a movie that has a nasty, uncomfortable scene, I immediately loose interest in it. Thankfully, this movie only has one semi-awkward part which happens to be right in the beginning.  It's all smooth sailing from there!

I hope you get the chance to see it soon!! Let me know what you think!

  • Directed by: Adam Wingard
  • Rated: R
  • Premiered: 2013
  • Staring:
    • Sharni Vinson as Erin
    • Nicholas Tucci as Felix
    • AJ Bowen as Crispian
    • Wendy Glenn as Zee
    • Joe Swanberg as Drake

Monday, September 2, 2013

WDRW #22

Good morning movie fanatics!

It's been a crazy couple of months for me!  I finished work, started school, helped move both my sisters around, and now am trying to keep up with my senior year!

I just would like to apologize for not posting the entire month of August, now I'm not going to make a promise that I don't know if I can keep.  Hut I will say, I am going to try to keep a better posting schedule, oaky?

So, this weeks DWRW includes all the movies I have kept track of for the past month... ready?

  1. Death at a Funeral
  2. Napoleon Dynamite
  3. The Orphanage
  4. Nacho Libre
  5. The Help
  6. The After Life
  7. Paranormal Activity 4
  8. Restless
  9. 28 Days Later
  10. Tangled
  11. Big
  12. Michael
  13. Insidious
  14. You're Next
  15. The Tangerine Bear
  16. Seven Pounds
  17. Jurassic Park
  18. Pitch Black
  19. The Chronicles of Riddick
  20. The Intouchables
  21. The Best Magnolia Hotel
  22. The Love Guru
And there you have it!

Did you guys watch any good movies recently? 

Yet Another Rendition of Snow White

This weeks movie gives Snow White a modern college age twist!  Amanda Bynes stars as Sydney White, a tomboy more interested in comic books than getting into the sorority her mother was apart of.

Turns out that's not much of a problem since she ends up getting kicked out by the 'evil queen'.  With nowhere left to go since all the dorms are taken Sydney finds herself at the front step of the Vortex, a decrepit overflow home for students, which just so happens to house the most dorky kids on campus.

Sydney wont let being an outcast get her down, she is bound and determined to stay positive.  What better way to stay positive than to run for student council?? Sydney and her seven dorks run under the ticket name: Freedom to the Seventh Power!

Sydney is able to make loads of new and interesting friends and finds out that being in outcast is what she does best!

The big question is: can the Seventh Power win the election when they are running against none other than the evil queen bee herself??

Find out for yourself!

The most enduring part of this movie is defiantly how the seven dorks start to be able to interact with people better.  With Sydney there to encourage them, they realize that being a dork is kind of... cool. :)

Tell me what you think!


Title: Sydney White
Directed by: Joe Nussbaum
Premiered: 2007
Rated: PG-13
  • Amanda Bynes as Sydney White
  • Matt Long as Tyler
  • Jack Carpenter as Lenny
  • Jeremy Howard as Terrance
  • Adam Hendershott as Jeremy
  • Danny Strong as Gurkin
  • Samm Levin as Spanky
  • Arnie Pantoja as George

Happy Birthday... Laaaaaaatttttttttteee

Hey guys.... this is defiantly well overdue.

My birthday was back in June, I got 3 new movies and I would like to tell you about them!

From my parents I got the movies:

Grave of the Fireflies


From my sister I got:

Warm Bodies

:)  I was so very excited about all of them!

Sorry this is so late and honestly, so random!  Do you guys get movies as presents?  What was the coolest present you ever got?