Okay so the begging of the movie was a little slow, watching Bella adjust to her new vampire body but soon after the gut busting comedy and mind blowing action sets in! The whole movie is building up to one ten minute scene. While building up the Cullens are gathering all of their allies around the world to stand against the Volturi.
Honestly that’s about all I can say without giving anything away; however, even if you read the book you have no idea what’s coming!
Tell me what you thought!
P.s. I’m team Jacob!
· Directed by: Bill Condon
· Premiered: 2012
· Rated: PG-13
· Starring:
o Kristen Stewart as Bella Cullen (:3 hehe no more Bella Swan!)
o Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen
o Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black