
Monday, November 26, 2012

Breaking Dawn Part II Review!

Okay so the begging of the movie was a little slow, watching Bella adjust to her new vampire body but soon after the gut busting comedy and mind blowing action sets in!  The whole movie is building up to one ten minute scene.  While building up the Cullens are gathering all of their allies around the world to stand against the Volturi. 
Honestly that’s about all I can say without giving anything away; however, even if you read the book you have no idea what’s coming!
Tell me what you thought!
P.s. I’m team Jacob!

·         Directed by: Bill Condon
·         Premiered: 2012
·         Rated: PG-13
·         Starring:
o   Kristen Stewart as Bella Cullen (:3 hehe no more Bella Swan!)
o   Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen
o   Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Breaking Dawn Part II

: D  I am so excited guys!  Tonight I finally get to go and see the final chapter to the Twilight Saga!  Have you guys seen it?  What did you think?  I'll tell you what I thought of it later this week! Oh... and P.s. Edward or Jacob, can you guess which I am?  Until then watch on!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Captain Ron

Hey guys! So as many of you know the last Twilight movie is officially out! Yeah, yeah I know Twilight is kind of old but... I still love it! Are any of you guys going?
Speaking of movies in the theater, I went to Wreck it Ralph two weekends ago! It was great! It was a sweat story with lovable characters and an ending that I never saw coming!
So now onto the movie for tonight!  I’m in the mood for something in the funny category tonight which means… Captain Ron! So the movie starts out with a businessman receiving news that his great uncle (I really don’t know if it’s his great uncle but it is a male relative) died leaving him with an old fashion boat!  Without seeing the boat his family and him decide to sail the it to where it can be sold, taking a couple weeks off of school and work.  Thing is, they don’t know how to sail!
But no problem, they hire a local captain, named Ron, that turns out to be a… pretty strange character that possible ruins or saves the day!  Will the family go crazy having to fix the piece of crap boat they inherited or will it be Captain Ron that drives them mad?  All I know is you guys will love this quirky tall that goes from the big city to being taken captive by pirates.

·         Directed by: Thom E. Eberhardt
·         Premiered: 1992
·         Rated: Pg-13
·         Starring:  
o   Kurt Russell as Captain Ron
o   Martian Short as Martian Harvey
o   Mary Kay Place as Katherine Harvey  

Tell me how you like it! Watch on! (Oh, Oh and I didn't forget about Hunger Games Bingo, it's just taking me longer than I expected!)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Song About Movies?

So I went to my friend’s house this Friday and we were listening to some music.  We came across this music video for a super cute song by the band: The Ready Set. So this isn’t a movie but it’s a pretty cool song that features a crap load of movies in the music video! 
The song is called: Hollywood Dream.  Find it by going to YouTube, type in Hollywood Dream by The Ready Set, and click on the video that has a black and white drawing (for me it was the second video listed), then sit back and enjoy!
Some of the movies that are in the video are:
Wizard of Oz
Saturday Night Fever
Indiana Jones
Say Anything
King Kong
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Napoleon Dynamite
The Little Mermaid
Army of Darkness
There are a few more… but I didn’t know what they were! If you know leave a comment! I hope you enjoy :D

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It’s Kind of a Funny Story

So I don’t know about you guys but sometimes I’m just feeling really down in the dumps for absolutely no reason what so ever.  When times like this come I have some secret weapons up my sleeve!

My secret weapons consist of snacks, pajamas, and some sort of movie.  One of the many movies I watch in this situation that always lifts my spirits is It’s Kind of a Funny Story.

In the movie sixteen year old Craig checks himself into the psychiatric wing of the nearest New York hospital.  He is totally overwhelmed with friends, school, parents, and life in general.  Through the movie and his weeklong stay Craig meets some down to earth, real people that have some of the same problems as him and some much more serious.

If you’re feeling like Craig or just are in the mood for an inspirational, romantic, comedy you should check this movie out and find out just how doable life can be!
·         Directed by: Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck
·         Premiered: 2010
·         Rated: PG-13
·         Starring:
o   Kier Gilchrist as Craig
o   Zach Galifianakis as Bobby
o   Emma Roberts as Noelle